UO Roleplay Lore

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Welcome to the UO Roleplay's Shard Lore Compendium.

Please take a moment to read the credits and thanks at the bottom of this page.

The Beginning of Time

In the beginning of it all, She was there. Sitting upon an alabaster throne, carved by her own hands, tempered by the memories of her loss and pain, she is a woman looking out through forlorn eyes. She had been the first, and She had been the last. The span of countless eons whittled away at her fine, delicate features until one day she found she had faded to almost nothing at all.

As she closed her eyes for what she imagined would be the last time, a single note of music rang out in the distance. Far across the empty wastes of the cosmos, so far it could barely be recognized, the note called out, beckoning to her.

Her eyes sprang open, her heart leaping in her chest. She sprang to her feet and began running as a streak of lightning, arcing across the universe. As she moved across the desolate landscape, it began to change for the first time in what had seemed like an eternity. The changes were small at first, but with each step she took the land began to quake more and more intensely with each passing step. The hope in her eyes had been renewed. Finally her mighty strides brought her to the edge of a great forest. Deep within was a clearing, at the center of which sat an ancient alabaster throne. Upon seeing the throne, she had a revelation. She approached the throne and sat upon it, breathing a great sigh of relief. With a smile she turned her gaze onto the first of her creations and bestowed upon it a name, "Ilaria."

Her voice reverberated around the new world, and life erupted from the ground, and fell from the trees. These creatures became the wildlife and beasts that would grow to inhabit the lands forevermore. She laughed, surprised at the elements of this new nature and how it rejoiced in her love. Upon that throne her understanding was deep, and it occurred to her that new life should be born. Reaching down into the soil, she fashioned two lumps of clay. With careful deliberation, she used her hands to mold and carve the clay into figures, enjoining them at the palm, and laid them in the sun to dry. She pinched her fingers over the ears of these new figures, making them pointed. The clay then became dry and hardened, and she picked them up and pushed the essence of her life-giving power within their lungs, birthing the first Elves. For centuries, she and her creations would dance in the beautiful forest together.

As time wore on, eventually her creations began to pair, creating children of their own. An acceptance swooped over her as her creations started to become more independent. She had realized it was time for her to leave, and thus she decided to ascend into the heavens to start anew. She would leave this world and create a new place--a place for her to create her own family, one where she could have love, friendship, children, and joy. With a smile and a nod, this graceful goddess left our world and retired to her own, leaving her creations to their own devices, and leaving them with the gift of magic, so they might have help controlling the world in her absence.

Welcome to UORoleplay and the world of Ilaria.

Credit where credit is due

This Custom Lore was painstakingly developed through the combined efforts of many staff members and players. There are so many people to thank it's hard to list them all. So thank you all!

Gods and Goddesses

Time Line

(Time Line with events still needing to be fleshed out!)

An Era is equal to approximately 1000 years

Creation (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Era)

  • Birth of the Creator/of the world
  • Rise of races (Most Race Lore can be found here:Races, Classes, & Alignment)
  • Creation of Elves (This thread)
  • Elven Civil War - Elf/Drow Split (The First Great War)
  • Rise of the Orc's - These are deformed elves.
  • Rise of the Drow - Subterranian Evolution.
  • Human Creation - to balance evil and good

Dark Times (5th & 6th Era)

  • Human Enslavement - often used as warriors peons in wars between the races.
  • War - name significance?
  • Birth of Human Magic - Different than the older magics / myst, weaving /
  • War - name significance?
  • Rebellion of the Humans - humans strike back at the races and declare their independence - Neira Casts a devastating Meteor storm against the elves - Humans take up weapons and fight back

Rise of Man (7th & 8th Era)

  • First true Human settlement
  • Skirmishes as humans reproduce and expand at an alarming rate
  • Humans cover the globe
  • The Great Dragon Wars

The time of kings (9th Era)

  • A king rises and unites a waring kingdom of men - Earn respect of elves - strikes peace treaty -
  • Leads humans and other races into peace.
  • Nobles rise and court is established.
  • Royal line extends for the centuries nearly unchallenged.
  • Corruption of the nobles - power corrupts nobility and plots against the throne rise
  • A Skirmish Large battle breaks out in a outlaying city. - The king personally leads a batalion of men into battle and all combatants disappear - Neira is spotted walking out of the city with half her flesh torn off and a wicked smile on her face
  • The empire awaits the return of the king, but suspected he is dead..

Fall of Man (10th Era)

  • The dragon gods are released - find TheGuy's forum posts (History of Dragon Wars vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5).
  • The kingdom of man and elves are destroyedom
  • Survivors gather in Narrowhaven
  • Adair announces himself Governor, goes mad (from pressure) for a period of time leaves to search for the king.
  • Adair returns and announces there is no trace of the king and pronounces him dead. At the time being the only Noble left alive, announces himself king and organizes new nobility and attempts to re-establish peace.

Guilds & People Groups

The Shadow Thieves

  • Guild Type: Thieves
  • Guild Name: The Shadow Thieves
  • Leader: Renal Bloodscalp
  • Strong Hold: None

The Shadow Thieves Guild is dedicated to the gathering and training of those who are stealthy and shadowy in nature. Although criminal by its very definition, for untold years, local authorities in places throughout Ilaria have tolerated the existence of the guild for its role as "crime regulator", as it does not tolerate competition or egregious conduct from its members (not to mention the personal financial benefits for authorities who play nice).

Like any trade guild, the Shadow Thieves Guild is an organization of professionals, except that in this case the professionals are burglars, robbers, pickpockets, smugglers, and other enterprising operators. They typically don't have public guild halls, but sometimes have safe-houses, and members tend to gather at a single location in large towns, such as at a inn, or tavern. Typically, members are bound not to rob each other, kill anyone while thieving, or rob the poor. The Shadow Thieves Guild usually has the resources to bribe officials, establish a black market of stolen goods, and maintain a network of informants. The Shadow Thieves Guild in Narrowhaven is run by Renal Bloodscalp, believed by some to be a supernatural being. In order to find it, you are either going to have to do some investigative work or spend some time in jail.


The first and main advantage of being a member of The Shadow Thieves Guild is access to fences for selling all your ill-gotten gains! Even if you're not really playing a thief, you'll gradually accumulate items that legitimate merchants won't buy.

The Faceless Men

  • Guild Type: Assassins
  • Guild Name: The Faceless Men
  • Leader: Jaqen H'ghar
  • Strong Hold: The Red Keep

The Faceless Men are a guild of professional assassins with considerable influence and power. Entry is governed not by completing a given task, but by the Faceless Men observing you committing murders. According to Lucien Lachance, the Faceless Men have sanctuaries all over Ilaria. However, the Red Keep is the oldest known citadel of the Faceless Men and was founded more than 600 years ago.

Narrowhaven Black Market

  • Guild Type: Black Market & Slave Trade
  • Guild Name: Narrowhaven Black Market
  • Leader: Gaelan Bayle
  • Strong Hold: Narrowhaven Black Market, a cave located just north of the Narrowhaven dock district.

The Narrowhaven Black Market is both a location in Narrowhaven and a criminal organization ran by Gaelan Bayle. The Narrowhaven Black Market styles itself as conduit to move illegal or stolen merchandise which might otherwise be difficult or unsafe to sell on the open market. Any number of assorted items can be found being sold ranging form magic items, to rare & exotic objects, to slaves.


  • Guild Type: Mercenaries for Hire
  • Guild Name: Sellsword
  • Leader: N/A
  • Strong Hold: N/A

A Sellsword is a mercenary who hires out his services to the highest bidder. Inevitably, this sort of lifestyle involves a great deal of violence and physical exertion. Many sellswords are organized into companies. Some of the sellsword companies are very disciplined (such as the Golden Company), and some are nothing but rabble joined together in search of loot (like the Brave Companions). The Second Sons and the Stormcrows are in the middle. Most tend to be experienced professional soldiers, as it is a profession a man tends to chose after he's tasted a few battles and learned that he's good at fighting.

  • The Golden Company (disciplined)
  • The Second Sons
  • Company of the Cat
  • Long Lances
  • Windblown
  • The Stormcrows
  • The Brave Companions (Unruly & evil)

Mages Guild

  • Guild Type: Mages Guild
  • Guild Name: Mages Guild
  • Leader:
  • Strong Hold: Arcane University

The Mages Guild is a professional organization, located throughout Ilaria. It is dedicated to the study and application of magicka and alchemy, but has certain restrictions, such as the Necromancy ban. Its charter from the King specified that the guild must provide magic services to the public. Anyone can purchase potions, alchemical ingredients, magical items, and a selection of standard spells from the guild. However, training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the guild stewards are sometimes able to provide members with work. Furthermore, exclusive services such as spellmaking and enchanting, deemed potentially dangerous to the public at large, are only made available to higher-ranked guild members in good standing.

The Mages Guild is led by an Arch-Mage, and guided by the Council of Mages, made up of five archmagisters (including the Arch-Mage). The Arch-Mage and the Council of Mages are headquartered at the guild's Arcane University in Narrowhaven. The Council decides important Guild policies, such as its policy on the use of Necromancy and also administers recruitment, sale of spells in each local guild hall, and the enforcement of Guild law. In addition, guild halls exist in most cities in Ilaria, each of which is run by a local guildmagister.

The Mages Guild was founded by Vanus Galerion in the early years of the Seventh Era as a way of centralizing magic and thus moving away from the many separate groups (like the Order of which Galerion was a member) that had dominated the study of magic until that time. The Guild Halls were overseen by an Archmagister. Below him were the Master of Incunabula and the Master at Arms. The Master of Incunabula had a counsel of two, the Master of Academia and the Master of the Scrye. The Master at Arms also had a counsel, the Master of Initiates and the Palatinus (the leader of the local chapter of the Order of the Lamp).

Spell Casters of Significant Achievement & Power

  • Vanus Galerion, the Wizard
  • Zodameran Lowmag, the Mage
  • Mazrim Taomor the, Sorcerer
  • Raolin Darksbane, the Bard
  • Eamon Valda, the Necromancer
  • Rhada Asunwa, the Cleric
  • Morgan Willowleaf, the Wizard
  • Canthos Ravangaul, the Druid

Bards Guild

  • Guild Type: Bards Guild
  • Guild Name: Bards Guild
  • Leader:
  • Strong Hold:

Fighters Guild

  • Guild Type: Fighters Guild
  • Guild Name: Fighters Guild
  • Leader:
  • Strong Hold:

Hostile Groups

Stonetalon Clan

  • Guild Type: Orc Clan
  • Guild Name: Stonetalon Clan
  • Leader: Azog, Slayer of Men
  • Strong Hold: Mor Khazgur

Bloodaxe Clan

  • Guild Type: Orc Clan
  • Guild Name: Bloodaxe Clan
  • Leader: Muzgash, Death Dealer
  • Strong Hold: Dushnikh Yal

Burning Blood Clan

  • Guild Type: Orc Clan
  • Guild Name: Burning Blood Clan
  • Leader: Snaga, The Maimer
  • Strong Hold: Largashbur

Northern & Southern Wildlings

  • Guild Type: Human nomadic tribes.
  • Guild Name: Wildlings
  • Leader: Unknown
  • Strong Hold: Unknown
