Personal Gardens/Dirt Patches

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((Still Under Construction -- More to come Soon))

The Personal Garden deeds you can purchase from the Gardeners, will need to be placed by Staff. They can only be placed near a custom house or Classic house placed by a player and there must be room to place one. The room needed will need to be larger than the deed itself which is 9x10.

see image below


Alternately you can also use Dirt Patches also sold by Gardeners, to lock down in your house and use as a garden to plant crops, in your house.

see image below


You can plant crop seeds into either the personal garden or into locked down dirt patches in your home to grow crops.

See image below to see what crop seeds look like


These type seeds do not need to be tended to once planted, it may vary on your Harvesting skill if you succeed in raising a crop . You will also need to have at least some Harvesting Skill to be able to harvest your crops, and the higher the skill the more crops you may yield. If you fail in planting a successful crop, you will end up with a weed. You will need to take an axe to the weed to delete it from your garden.

Also you may move the crops around with the housing deco tool to adjust them.

See image below for Crops.


You can harvest these crops by double-clicking on the plant.