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Fame is one of two variables in the Reputation Title System, the other being Karma. Fame also is required to pursue the Virtue of Sacrifice.

When fame is mentioned in reference to monsters, it is a commodity. Just as with gold, the tougher the monster, the higher the monster's level of fame, and the greater the amount of fame earned by the character who kills it. All creatures, both animals and monsters, have a predetermined amount of fame. A Balron has a fame of Level 5. Its actual fame amount is 24,000. A Dragon also has a fame of Level 5, but its actual fame is far less, at 15,000. It is suggested that a character that is seeking fame should note such differences.

When fame is mentioned in reference to player characters, it refers to an aspect of the Reputation Title System. Fame runs an open-ended range from 0 to 10,000 and above. Within that range is an exponential scale, as shown in Table 1. As the fame scale is exponential, it becomes increasingly more difficult to gain a higher level. Fame is not earned on a one-for-one basis; killing a single Balron will not grant the character 24,000 points. Only a small portion of a creature's fame transfered to the warrior that vanquished it.

Fame can also be gained by doing Bulk Order Deeds. This is how characters that are primarily crafters acquire titles.

Table 1: Fame Levels & Amounts

Fame Level Amount
Level 1 0 to 1,249
Level 2 1,250 to 2,499
Level 3 2,500 to 4,999
Level 4 5,000 to 9,999
Level 5 10,000 and above

Ostensibly, fame is the visual component of the Reputation Title System. With a fame of Level 5, the title "Lord" or "Lady" is added to the character's name. The title appears in the Paperdoll, when approaching from off-screen, and after the use of the allnames command. Karma has no influence over the off-screen and allnames title, while the Paperdoll shows both the fame and karma titles. If a character gains a Reputation Title, it will supersede the fame and karma title.

See Also

See Also