This Page to be updated Soon
- Under Development
- Under Development
- Power Scroll (105)
- Skeleton Key
- Small Bag of Holding
- Medium Bag of Holding
- Large Bag of Holding
- Resurrection Tome
- Revival Tome
- Ankh Of Resurrection
- Ankh Of Revival
- Tome Of Knowledge
- Tome Of Learning
- Tome Of Greater Knowledge
- Tome Of Greater Learning
- Soulstone
- Greater Soulstone
- Striker's Mark
- Bow of Taut Sinew
- Huhuran's Stinger
- Bristleblitz Striker
- Serpent Spine Longbow
- Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix
- Njorndar Bone Bow
- Zod's Repeating Longbow
- Wrathtide Longbow
- Themios the Darkbringer
- Siren's Cry
- Mandokir's Tribute
- Black Bow of the Betrayer
- Ancient Amani Longbow
- Rhok'shalla, the Shadow's Bane
- Arathar, the Eye of Flame
- Azuresong Mageblade
- Sorcerous Dagger
- Casters Blade
- Battle Mages Blade
- Nathrezim Mindblade
- Honed Fang of the Mystics
- Staff Of The Magi
- Shadow Wing Focus Staff
- Staff of the Shadow Flame
- Staff of the Ruins
- Staff of Dominance
- Staff of the Qiraji Prophets
- Apostle of Argus
- Crystalheart Pulse-Staff
- Nightstaff of the Everliving
- Staff of Infinite Mysteries
- Staff of Immaculate Recovery
- Terestian's Stranglestaff
- Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei
- Ethereum Life-Staff
- Sister Svalna's Aether Staff
- Tainted Twig of Nordrassil
- Mag'hari Chieftain's Staff
- Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas
- Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer
- Aurastone Hammer
- Lok'amir il Romathis
- Mace of the False Prophet
- Hammer of Atonement
- Lightfathom Mace
- Light's Justice
- Shard of the Virtuous
- Hammer of Sanctification
- Bonebreakers Club
- Royal Mace of Terenas II
- Aesuga, Hand of the Ardent Champion
- Valius, Gavel of the Lightbringer
- Core Hound Tooth
- Gutgore Ripper
- Perdition's Blade
- Dragonfang Blade
- Claw of the Black Drake
- Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger
- Death's Sting
- Messenger of Fate
- Shard of Azzinoth
- The Maelstrom's Fury
- Tracker's Blade
- Boundless Agony
- Fang of Vashj
- Rusted Gutgore Ripper
- Sharpened Fang of the Mystics
- Tarnished Gutgore Ripper
- Blade of the Unrequited
- Emerald Ripper
- Malchazeen
- Sunflare
- Crux of the Apocalypse
- Rib Spreader
- Midnight Sun
- Lungbreaker
- Heartpierce
- Frozen Bonespike
- Flesh-Carving Scalpel
- Bloodsipper
- Fang of the Leviathan
- Great Sword of the Sin'dorei
- Talon of Azshara
- Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand
- Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight
- Kalimdor's Revenge
- Citadel Enforcer's Claymore
- Gressil, Dawn of Ruin
- Mourning Malice
- Frost Needle
- Blade of Infamy
- Ancient Qiraji Ripper
- Manslayer of the Qiraji
- Gleaming Quel'Serrar
- Burnished Quel'Serrar
- Singed Vis'qar the Bloodletter
- Twinblade of the Phoenix
- Firethorn Mindslicer
- King's Defender
- Cataclysm's Edge
- Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood
- Andonisus, Reaper of Souls
- Khorium Champion
- Rigormortis
- Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony
- Bloodvenom Blade
- Mandible of Beth'tilac
- Felsteel Longblade
- Iblis, Blade of the Fallen Seraph
- Ardent Guard
- Jin'rohk, The Great Apocalypse
- Lionheart Blade
- Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade
- Forsaken Bonecarver
- Fang of Twilight
- Blackguard
- Bloodcaller
- Nightblade
- Sul'thraze the Lasher
- Spiteblade
- Zoid's Firelit Greatsword
- The Unbreakable Will
- Warglaive of Azzinoth
- Soulbreaker
- Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
- Serilas, Blood Blade of Invar
- Apolyon, the Soul-Render
- Blade of Savagery
- Blade of the Keening Banshee
- Cho'Rush's, Ferocity of the Scorned
- Quel'Delar, Might of the Faithful
- Honor's Call
- Blade of Eternal Justice
- Blade of the Unbroken Covenant
- Crusader's Glory
- Aesir's Edge
- Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds
- Dragon's Call
- Brutality Blade
- The Facelifter
- Swiftsteel Bludgeon
- Mace of the Nathrezim
- Tempest of Chaos
- Ko'gun, Hammer of the Firelord
- Mor'dom, Hammer of Menethil
- Hammer of the Naaru
- Sand Polished Mace
- Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy
- Mace of the Damned
- Draconic Maul
- Scepter of the Sun King
- Warhammer of Karabor
- Anubisath's Warhammer
- World Breaker
- Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
- Rui'og, Herald of Woe
- WarMace of Ji'zhi
- Warmace of the Tides
- Edge of Ruin
- Axe of the Deep Woods
- Justicebringer
- Gatecrasher
- Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter
- Death's Bite
- Flurry Axe
- Mooncleaver
- Black Planar Edge
- Gor'juk, Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver
- Hakkari, the Ancient Manslayer
- Axe of the Sen'jin Protector
- Nightfall
- Kang the Decapitator
- Falric's Wrist-Chopper
- Spinal Reaper
- Worldcarver
- Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings
- The Blade of Harbingers
- Shalug'doom, the Axe of Unmaking
- Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King
- Skullstealer Greataxe
- Severance
- Blessed Qiraji War Axe
- Crul'korak, the Lightning's Arc
- Daakara's Trollbane
- Mor'kosh, the Bloodreaver
- Blood Fury
- Brain Hacker
- Tyrannical Beheader
- Treant's Bane
- Neretzek, The Blood Drinker
- Crul'shorukh, Edge of Chaos
- Eye of Purification
- Doom's Edge
- Bardiche of Desolation
- Gul'mug, Bardiche of the Sand Reaver
- Bardiche of the Pit
- Fordragon Blades
- Bloodfall
- Hersir's Halberd
- Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General
- Ranseur of Hatred
- Hellion Halberd
- Dark Edge of Depravity
- Lotrafen, Pike of the Damned
- Marrowstrike
Spear & Fork
- Sen'jin Beakblade Spear
- Fezzik's Spear
- Reclaimed Thunderstrike
- Don Santos' Famous Hunting Spear
- Last Word
- Rockmul, Talon of the Storm Crow
- Despair
- Reinforced Shadowstrike
- Relentless Edge
- Ziger'maul, Stinger of Ayamiss
- Burg'muz, Spear of Khaz Modan
- Cryptmaker
- Blade of Twisted Visions
- Hatestrike
- Zul'jin, Spear of the Outcast Tribe
- Fool's Bane
- Shivering Felspine
- Head Hunter's Spear
- Giant's Bane
- Wraith Spear
- Dreamhunter's WarFork
- Hurkan, The Eye of Nerub
- Gurubashi Destroyer
Armor Sets
- Rudhrod's Chainmail Set
- Balanis's Chainmail Set
- Golumagol's Chainmail Set
- Amarthan's Scalemail Set
- Yrjana's Scalemail Set
- Faradwon's Scalemail Set
- Arodinnas' Leaf Set
- Gisur's Leather Set
- Himhul's Leather Set
- Forochel's Leather Set
- Fem's Leather Set
- Istuigon's Hide Set
- Remmirath's Studded Set
- Loafer's Leather Set
- Mirurs Leather Set
- Kol's Studded Set
- Ora's Bone Set
- Daerdur's Daemon Set
- Hwati's Dragon Set
- Laurelindorenan's Set
- Buth Sankha's Plate Set
- Orod-na-Thon's Plate Set
- Dornhigul's Plate Set
- Avar's Plate Set
- Gramfoot's Plate Set
- Curunam's Plate Set
- Anganskald's Plate Set
- Bothwar's Plate Set
- Durin's Plate Set
- Forgamdir's Woodland Set
- Bronwehigil's Ringmail Set
- Auroch's Ringmail Set
- Luthskold's Bronze Shield
- Dorthann's Bronze Shield
- Quicksilver's Buckler
- Brudhraw's Fall
- Alt'erma's Shield of Might
- Shield of Blind Hate
- Hero's Surrender
- Forlorn Barrier
- Steelskin, Qiang's Impervious Shield
- Stormforged Shield
- Yaungol Battle Barrier
- Shield of the Protectorate
- Skyrider's Shining Shield
- Turpster's Shield
- Aegis of the Coliseum
- Bori's Shield
- Lavanthir's Shield
- King's Shield of Might
- Leeka's Shield
- Ward of the Red Widow
- Raugzok's Nemesis
- Shield of the Lion-Hearted
- Darkhide Barrier
- Blackhorn's Mighty Bulwark
- Shield of the Four Grey Towers
- Akmin-Kurai, Dominion's Shield
- Wall of Terror
- Pride of the Kor'kron
- Istash's Folly
- Gamli's Shield
- Brogur's Shield
- Shield of the Iron Maiden
- Shield of the Mists
- Kamagua's Shield
- Spiritsage's Shield
- Shield of the Returning Prince
- Bulwark of the Royal Guard
- Gonzales' Shiny Shield
- Truthbreaker Shield
- Heroic Noble's Shield
- Flamecaller's Shield
- Royal Crest of Lordaeron
- Shield of Impenetrable Darkness
- Tharon'ja's Aegis
- Defender of Lalia
- Triptych Shield of the Ancients
- Jofurskold's Shield
- Kaz'rogal's Hardened Shield
- Zeth'Gor Shield
- Don Carlos' Brawling Shield
- Bataari Warshield
- Old Mugwort's Shield
- Flida's Bandana
- Ganirn's Bonnet
- Gludor's Cap
- Rilorn's Cowl
- Tanodor's Cowl
- Clidibor's Feathered Hat
- Iola's Floppy Hat
- Khari's Flower Garland
- Daganth's Hood
- Barroth's Hood
- Perrath's Jester Hat
- Kodotum's Mages Hat
- Drocarn's Necromancers Hat
- Rthyin's Sorcerers Hat
- Baliarth's Wizards Hat
- Ciamath's Skull Cap
- Ninarth's Straw Hat
- Mersoth's Tall Straw Hat
- Kelirth's Tricorne Hat
- Sonneth's Wide Brim Hat
- Oogorim's Bear Mask
- Shuvirth's Bone Helm
- Taenth's Bone Helm
- Chelianth's Daemon Bone Helmet
- Elaith's Deer Mask
- Ogrok's Evil Orc Helm
- Gularzob's Goblin Mask
- Omzerd's Horned Tribal Mask
- Grug's Orc Helm
- Tronk's Tribal Mask
- Keleth's Wolf Mask
- Jugag's Bascinet
- Hanol's Chain Coif
- Elephon's Circlet
- Darthoridan's Close Helm
- Erisdar's Close Helm
- Illitran's Gemmed Circlet
- Kalinth's Helmet
- Hatgrut's Helmet
- Gobrut's Leather Cap
- Uraugh's Norse Helm
- Doranth's Plate Helm
- Kralgrarlun's Plate Helm
- Darevig's Plate Helm
- Eridmik's Raven Helm
- Hatharal's Royal Circlet
- Mudmumlin's Vulture Helm
- Meseth's Winged Helm
Standard UO Artifacts
- GoldBricks
- PhillipsWoodenSteed
- AlchemistsBauble
- ArcticDeathDealer
- BlazeOfDeath
- BowOfTheJukaKing
- BurglarsBandana
- CavortingClub
- EnchantedTitanLegBone
- GwennosHarp
- IolosLute
- LunaLance
- NightsKiss
- NoxRangersHeavyCrossbow
- OrcishVisage
- PolarBearMask
- ShieldOfInvulnerability
- StaffOfPower
- VioletCourage
- HeartOfTheLion
- WrathOfTheDryad
- PixieSwatter
- GlovesOfThePugilist
- AegisOfGrace
- BladeDance
- Bonesmasher
- Boomstick
- FeyLeggings
- FleshRipper
- HelmOfSwiftness
- MelisandesCorrodedHatchet
- QuiverOfElements
- QuiverOfRage
- RaedsGlory
- RighteousAnger
- RobeOfTheEclipse
- SoulSeeker
- TalonBite
- WildfireBow
- Windsong
- AxeOfTheHeavens
- BladeOfInsanity
- BladeOfTheRighteous
- BoneCrusher
- BreathOfTheDead
- Frostbringer
- LegacyOfTheDreadLord
- SerpentsFang
- TheBeserkersMaul
- TheDragonSlayer
- TheDryadBow
- TheTaskmaster
- TitansHammer
- ZyronicClaw
- BlightGrippedLongbow
- ColdForgedBlade
- LuminousRuneBlade
- OverseerSunderedBlade
- PhantomStaff
- RuneCarvingKnife
- ShardThrasher
- SilvanisFeywoodBow
- TheNightReaper