Template:Glassblowing Craftables

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  • Some glass items created by glassblowers can be changed in color by using an Interior Decorator tool on them.
Glassblowing Item Sand Success Remarks
Glass sword.png Glass Sword 14 90% May hold its maker's mark.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion

Glass staff.png Glass Staff 10 95% May hold its maker's mark.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.

Glassblowing Item Sand Success Remarks
Empty bottle.png Empty Bottle 1 95% For Potions
Flask2a.gifFlask2b.gifFlask2c.gifFlask2d.gif Small Flask 2 95% Changes color and direction when turned.
Flask1a.gifFlask1b.gifFlask1c.gifFlask1d.gif Medium Flask 3 95% Changes color when turned.
Curved Flask
3 95% Changes color and direction when turned.
Flask5a.gifFlask5b.gifFlask5c.gif Large Flask #1 4 85% Changes color when turned.
Flask4a.gifFlask4b.gifFlask4c.gif Large Flask #2 5 80% Changes color when turned.
Flasksmall anim.gif Bubbling Blue Flask 5 80%
Flasklarge anim.gif Bubbling Purple Flask 5 80%
Flasklong anim.gif Bubbling Red Flask 7 80%
Emptyvials.gif Empty Vials 8 70% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.
Fullvials.gif Full Vials 8 70% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.
Hourglass anim.gif Spinning Hourglass 10 50% The Interior Decorator will stop or start it.
Prism.png Hollow Prism 8 50% Used in making a Runed Prism.
Ter-Mur style floor mirror.png Ter-Mur Style Floor Mirror 20 50% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.

Ter-Mur style wall mirror.png Ter-Mur Style Wall Mirror 10 60% Can be turned with an Interior Decorator.

Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.

Soulstone fragment.png Soulstone Fragment - 60% Requires 2 Crystal Granules and 2 Void Essence
Empty venom vial.png Empty Venom Vial 1 95% Requires the Stygian Abyss expansion.