Feature List
Feature List
- Stygian Abyss Expansions - New maps - Around 4000 new game art images - Around 1500 new weapons, armor, clothing, jewelry, & offhand items - New game client interface - Highly customized and balanced world - No Neon colors - No Uber Items - Custom Quests - New buildings & castles - New character starting location - Haven is now Ocllo - Ability to own unique houses or build your own - Daily rare items - Customized crafting & harvesting system - Socket system - Set item bonuses - Unique hidden dungeon system - New monsters - And much much more…
Some unusual features you will find at UO Roleplay
- Double Click to equip/unequip items - Item Identification - Item rarity color (green, blue, purple, & orange) - Hunger/Thirst effect skill gain - Mounts not rideable in buildings - Destruction system - Dungeon doors that can be lock picked or bashed in with weapons - Killable guards - Night and day system - Trap Crafting - New Taxidermy - Extensive food and harvesting system - New resources (Ores, Leather, Scales, Wood, Fish) - Crafting Recipes & Resource Recipes - World Chat - Live Event Rewards / Community Contribution Rewards / Veteran Rewards - And much much more...
Future Implementations
- 12-20 new skills - More new in-game artwork - More new wearable items - Factions - New weapon abilities