Last Man Standing Rules

Revision as of 18:47, 9 April 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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Last Man Standing Rules

  • The player that initiates the game is responsible for adding/removing players, setting game conditions, and is responsible for starting the game.
  • Individual participants must accept the challenge by selecting the accept button in the LMS gump.
  • An optional entry fee in gold that each player must pay in order to participate can be specified. The entry fee will be taken from the players bank account when the game starts.
  • Once a participant is killed, they are out of the game. The last remaining participant is the winner. That player takes the purse which is the total of all entry fees.
  • An optional arena size that defines the valid playing area can be specified.
  • Players that leave the arena area, defined by the distance from the challenge gauntlet, will have a specified amount of time to return in bounds before they will be disqualified. This time is 15 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet static variable MaximumOutOfBoundsDuration.
  • Players that become hidden will have a certain amount of time to become visible before they will be disqualified. This time is set to 10 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet static variable MaximumHiddenDuration.
  • Players that are offline will have a certain amount of time to return before they will be disqualified. This time is set to 60 seconds by default but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet static variable MaximumOfflineDuration.
  • Players that change maps will be immediately disqualified.
  • While a game is being set up, players can accept or withdraw at any time prior to the game starting.
  • Once a game has been started, individual players can drop out of the game by pressing the forfeit button (X) next to their name in the LMS challenge gump.
  • Completed challenge gauntlets will remain for a short period before they decay so that players or observers can see the results. The default decay time is 5 minutes but can be adjusted with the LastManStandingGauntlet DecayTime property.
  • Players are automatically resurrected after being killed in the match by default. This can be changed by setting the LastManStandingGauntlet AutoRes property.
  • The default interval between killing the same player for points is enforced by default during the match. This can be overridden by changing the LastManStandingGauntlet UseKillDelay property. While you can change this, I would not recommend it due to potential for exploits unless you are running a small non-pvp oriented shard where you dont really care about rankings.
  • Note that the organizer of a Challenge game does not have to actually participate in it. This makes it easy for staff to organize matches.
  • Players can only participate in one Challenge game or 1 on 1 challenge duel at a time.
  • Players can only organize 1 challenge game at a time. Attempting to organize a second challenge game while one is still being set up will result in the first being cancelled.
  • Note that changing game conditions after players have already accepted, such as adding/removing players, changing the entry fee, or arena size, will require that players must reaccept the new conditions.
  • There is no limit to the number of players that can participate in an LMS match by default. This can be changed with the LastManStandingGump constant MaxTeamSize.
  • The challenge gump lists the total number of participants in the Players: field, and the number of remaining participants in the Active: field.
