
Revision as of 09:36, 26 April 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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Resource Type Min. Req. Skill Vein Change
Iron 0% 49.0%
Dull Copper 65% 10.0%
Shadow Iron 70% 9.0%
Copper 75% 8.0%
Bronze 80% 7.0%
Gold 85% 5.0%
Agapite 90% 4.0%
Verite 95% 2.0%
Valorite 99% 1.0%
Truesilver 101% 1.0%
Platinum 105% 1.0%
Mithril 110% 1.0%
Thorium 115% 1.0%
Damascus 119% 1.0%


Resource Type Min. Req. Skill
Iron 0%
Dull Copper 65%
Shadow Iron 70%
Copper 75%
Bronze 80%
Gold 85%
Agapite 90%
Verite 95%
Valorite 99%
Truesilver 105%
Platinum 110%
Mithril 115%
Thorium 117%
Damascus 120%

Note: When using the blacksmithing skill & attempting to use high level resources your character will need to have a martial skill of the required amount. Using a magical item with +blacksmithing will not affect your ability to use these resources.

Example: In order to use Truesilver you will need a natural blacksmithing skill of 105. You will not be able to use Truesilver if you have natural blacksmithing skill of 100 + a item that gives you +6 to blacksmithing.

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