Overview & Commands
From UORoleplay.com
- Points - accumulated or lost based upon PvP kills or deaths, these are used to rank players. Individual and shard-wide standings can be displayed. Amount of Point loss or gain can be made dependent upon the relative Point difference between the players, providing additional incentives for taking on players with higher ranking, and penalties for losing to players of lower ranking. The system is configured for automatic point loss if the player does not engage in pvp activity over the specified time window.
- Rankings - relative Points standing of players on this shard is maintained and can be displayed for individuals as well as for the entire shard. Item Identification skill can be used to examine the points and standing of other players as well as your own.
- Duels - The challenge system allows 1-on-1 consensual pvp between players for points.
- Challenge Games - The challenge game system supports multi-player consensual pvp games. Current Games: Last Man Standing, Deathmatch, King of the Hill, DeathBall, Team Last Man Standing, Team Deathmatch, Team Deathball, Team King of the Hill, Capture the Flag.
- Credits - accumulated through PvP kills, these are used to purchase PvP rewards.
- Rewards - the PointsRewardStone/vendor allows players to exchange kill credits that are accumulated through PvP activity for rewards including items, mobiles, or attachments.
- [checkpoints - this command can be run by players to report their current points standing including rank, available credits, number of kills, number of deaths, and recent kill list (this is the same as using the item identification skill on themselves).
- [pointslanguage language - this command can be run by players to change the language in which points-related text appears to them. English, Spanish, and Portuguese are currently supported.
- [topplayers - this command can be run by players to list the current top 20 players ranked by points. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [challenge - this command can be run by players to allow challenge duels for points. Just issue the command and target another player. The targeted player can then accept or decline the challenge. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [lmschallenge - this command can be run by players to create a last man standing challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [deathmatch - this command can be run by players to create a deathmatch challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [kingofthehill - this command can be run by players to create a king of the hill challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [deathball - this command can be run by players to create a death ball challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [teamlmschallenge - this command can be run by players to create a team last man standing challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [teamdeathmatch - this command can be run by players to create a teamdeathmatch challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [teamkoth - this command can be run by players to create a new Team king of the hill challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [teamdeathball - this command can be run by players to create a new Team Deathball challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- [ctfchallenge - this command can be run by players to create a new Capture the Flag challenge game. This can also be invoked through the points gump.
- There is a 6 hour minimum time between kills of the same player for point gain.
- There is a 60 second minimum time between deaths of a player for point loss.
- Pints gained/lost can depend upon the point difference between the players. The stting is 5% of the point difference. For example, if player1 with 500 points killed player2 with 100 points, player1 would only gain the minimum of 1 point and player2 would lose the minimum of 1 point. But if player2 killed player1, player2 would gain 20 points (5% of 400) and player1 would lose 20 points.
- Credits gained can depend upon the point difference between the players. The setting is 5% of the point difference.
- Payers start off with a default of 100 points.
- Automatic point loss if the player does not engage in pvp activity. The amount of loss and time period are (10 points) and (15 days).
- challenges can be cancelled by issuing another challenge and targeting another player (self-target is allowed for this purpose). There is a 15 minute timeout from the time the cancellation request is made.